Yng ngwanwyn 2014, ffurfiwyd tîm prosiect Hynt gan Greu Cymru, gan ddechrau gweithio ar unwaith gyda Diverse Cymru i ddatblygu'r model ar gyfer y cynllun mynediad cenedlaethol. I ddechrau'r broses, cynhaliwyd saith digwyddiad ymgysylltu ledled Cymru. Nod y digwyddiadau hyn oedd amlinellu ein syniadau am sut y gallai Hynt weithio a thrafod cyfleoedd a heriau'r prosiect. Hefyd, anfonwyd gwybodaeth i unigolion a sefydliadau er mwyn i unrhyw un nad oedd yn gallu mynychu ond oedd yn awyddus i gymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth gael dweud eu dweud.

Rhoddodd y sesiynau ymgysylltu lawer iawn o wybodaeth, gan ein helpu i ddeall yn well y profiadau a'r heriau amrywiol y byddwn yn gweithio â nhw. Rydym hefyd wedi cwrdd â nifer fawr o sefydliadau ac unigolion sydd wedi rhannu eu harbenigedd, eu gwybodaeth a’u hadnoddau yn hael gyda ni i helpu i ddatblygu a chefnogi Hynt. 

The engagement sessions gave us a great deal of information and helped us to understand better the wide range of experiences and challenges that we are working with. We also met a large number of organisations and individuals who have generously shared their expertise, knowledge and resources with us to help develop and support Hynt.

In September 2014 we published a report. It brought together all the comments and feedback we received at the engagement sessions and showed how we had adapted and changed the scheme to reflect some of the challenges and opportunities.  We then had a further period of consultation to help us create the final version of Hynt.

It is important to us that Hynt is a peer-led scheme. We always respond positively to feedback and take on board the views of everyone that we connect with. During our engagement and consultation we spoke with over 80 people, including disabled people pan-impairment, support organisations, carers, theatres and arts centres.  Those conversations are ongoing and all contribute to the creation of Hynt as it exists today.